Efficacy studies of psychotherapy have repeatedly shown that an astonishing number of clients benefit significantly from a single visit to therapy. Based on these findings, researchers have been developing a new type of psychotherapy concept for 30 years, known in the professional literature as Single Session Therapy. In light of several meta-analyzes published in recent years, single therapy has proven to be an effective and cost-effective form of treatment for mental health problems and crises.

One-time therapy can also be thought of as a one-time psychotherapeutic consultation, which can be repeated 2-5 times if the client’s situation so requires.
Times for one-time therapy visits are available flexibly on a fast schedule. The one-time therapy visit is usually paid for by the client, and the duration of the appointment is 90 minutes. If follow-up appointments are needed, they will last 60 minutes.
The price of one-time therapy is 180 € (VAT 0%) / 90 minutes. Follow-up € 135 (VAT 0%) / 60 minutes. Please, contact us to book a one-time treatment time.
Taru Nevavuori
Music Therapist, Psychotherapist
Phone: +358 40 5045456
Practice offices:
Laitila and Turku
Laitilan Terveyskoti Poukanville
Keskuskatu 4
23800 Laitila
Lounatuulet yhteisötalo 4.krs, huone 427
Läntinen pitkäkatu 33
20100 Turku